Using the new year to make a Christmas fibre legacy
Once your delicate, fragile Christmas ornaments are safely on the tree or carefully packed away, take a look through your yarn skein remnants of commercial or handspun fibre, and design a nativity set project for the new year. Using Jan Messent's book, Knit the Christmas Story or other patterns you find, plan to make a figure or two per month, in steady pursuit of completing your nativity set by next Christmas. In this way, the project is not overwhelming, and is small enough to be pulled out of your needlework bag and worked on whenever you have a ten- minute block of time.
Thanks to the uniqueness of each figure, you will not become bored as you progress through the project. It may be useful to work on the wisemen last, since they do not arrive at the manger until January 6th, Epiphany. It is also true, however, that their costumes are the most colorful, so you may choose to inspire yourself by knitting a king in July!
Whether your fibre medium is knitting, crocheting, felting, or sewing, CyberFibres encourages you to design and make your own fibre nativity set. As lovely as your treasured breakable ornaments and decorations of Christmas are, the soft "Come touch me" call from your completed fibre nativity set will be heard by you as long as you celebrate Christmas. And in the event that you decide to make a set for someone else, he or she will hear the soft call, "You are loved," each time your nativity set is displayed