Knitting Christmas Socks
Knitting socks is a gratifying fibre pastime in several respects. Only small amounts of yarn are needed, so your monetary investment is modest. The time required from starting to finishing a pair of socks is far less than that required for knitting a sweater or a vest. And once you have finished the first sock, you have it in front of you as a model for knitting the second sock.
Purists will shrink from this point, but most fibreworkers will embrace it immediately. A very practical reality of knitting a pair of socks is that you can give them to whomever they fit once you have completed them. If the socks turn out to be smaller than you anticipated, they can go to a small-footed friend or relative. Conversely, if they turn out to be larger than you thought they would be, a larger framed recipient can be chosen for the honor of wearing them.
A final advantage for beginning a knitted Christmas socks project is that if time runs out before you knit the second sock, the first sock may be used as a designer pet stocking! Happy sock knitting, and Merry Christmas