Jewelry With A Hook: Crocheted Fiber Necklaces, Bracelets & More
While waiting for a comparable book to be published on knitting jewelry, CyberFibres purchased Terry Taylor’s book on crocheting jewelry. It is an inspiring collection of ideas and patterns for a wide range of fiber jewelry, contributed by 17 different designers . The Irish crochet collar is reminiscent of Victorian lace, while the silver spirals earrings/necklace set is clearly a 21st century look.
Jewelry With A Hook: Crocheted Fiber Necklaces, Bracelets & More includes a color photo of each project being worn by a female model. This enables fiber workers to see how each style looks on a real person. Of additional help is the section on Crochet Basics at the back of the book. Ms. Taylor includes descriptions of crochet stitches with a diagram of each, a discussion of tools and materials, and tips on finishing projects successfully.
CyberFibres recommends Jewelry With A Hook to all fiber workers intrigued by fiber jewelry.