A Bead Loading Tool for Jewelry Knitters and Crocheters
CyberFibres found a tool that makes getting beads onto thread in preparation for knitting or crocheting with them much easier. It is called Spin-N-Bead, and is made by Beadalon, a major source for beading materials, retail and wholesale. It consists of a small wooden bowl that fits atop a wooden base and is gently turned by hand. Seed beads are poured into the bowl, and a curved big eye needle is placed among the beads at an angle. As the bowl is turned, the curved end of the needle picks up individual beads. The beads travel up the straight length of the needle and load onto the thread that has been drawn through the large eye of the needle.
This process is superior to the point-and-stab method of the straight beading needle, as long as your project works with randomly ordered beads. If you need to add beads to your knitting or crocheting in a specific order, however, you will need to stick with the point-and-stab process.
The wooden Spin-N-Bead tool is made in India and is an attractive tool for fiber workers who use beads. Expect to pay just under $40 for this tool.