The Knitted Manly Scarf
Finding an attractive and appropriate knitting pattern for a man’s scarf can be a challenge. CyberFibres set out on this quest with the following criteria in mind – selecting a fibre, color, and design that would please an adult son enough to result in his choosing to wear the finished scarf in public.
The first fibre chosen was a natural cream shade of Suri alpaca that was lustrous and soft. When knitted, however, the effect was lacy and feminine, so the scarf was made for a daughter-in-law instead.
While shopping for a second fibre, CyberFibres came across a small zippered bag labeled, Cashmere Scarf FOR HIM, by Jade Sapphire Exotic Fibres. The rest is history. The kit was purchased, and the scarf was knitted. International sources report that the scarf has been worn on numerous chilly days in England!