Stitch a Wedding Sampler
A hand stitched wedding sampler is a gift that the bride and groom will continue to appreciate throughout their marriage. CyberFibres recommends that you select a design that is timeless in its appeal, so that it will continue to be a pleasure to the couple in future years.
Be sure to use the finest materials in fabric and thread. Linen evenweave and cotton Aida cloth are both good choices. For most wedding designs, CyberFibres recommends white or antique white, rather than cream or beige shades. Thread may be silk, rayon, or cotton. Buy ample amounts of fiber to avoid having to buy additional amounts later that may be of different dye lots.
Be mindful of the time it will take you to complete the sampler before the wedding date. Build in at least two additional weeks in the estimated time required, because you will need to allow for professional framing of your work.
Once you have finished your stitching, experiment with matted and unmatted framing styles. Choose a frame design that compliments the sampler appropriately. When you present the wedding couple with your gift for them, you will have the deep satisfaction of knowing that your gift will not be duplicated by anyone else!